The Let's Play Archive

Famicom Wars


Part 14: Unit Overview: Tank

Part 14: Unit Overview: Tank

Basic Info:
Cost		6000 G
Movement	5
Move Type	Vehicle
Fuel		50
Ammo		4
Ammo Cost	4 G
Range		1
Special		None
Combat Data*:
Opposing Unit	    Damage Dealt	    Damage Taken
 Infantry		5.5			1.5
 Mech			4.5			3.5
 Medium Tank		2.5			6.5
 Tank			4.5			4.5
 APC			9.5			2.5
 Rocket			5.5			6.5
 Artillery		7.5			5.5
 Supply			6.5			N/A
 AA Missile		8.5			N/A
 AA Tank		7.5			N/A
 Fighter		1.5			1.5
 Scout			2.5			0.5
 Bomber			1.5			7.5
 Copter			2.5			0.5
 Battleship		1.5			9.5
 Lander			1.5			2.5
* All damage values are between new undamaged units on terrain with no defensive bonuses. Fractional values indicate a % chance to deal an extra damage point.

Tanks (also sometimes called light tanks) are the cheapest of the ground vehicles that are just meant for taking on other ground units. They've got decent movement, fuel, and ammo, and can trade blows with any ground unit besides its heavier cousin and come out ahead. Tanks are excellent counters to APCs in particular, but also do well against vehicles that can't fight back (the ranged and anti-air units). They're really only especially vulnerable to the heaviest attackers in the game, though they can be worn down by a swarm of mechs as well. Assuming the mechs can ever catch up with them.